Dedicated to the Black Mary, the Sanctuary of Oropa in Biella is situated at less than fifteen kilometres from the city, in the heart of a vast and unique natural reserve. The Sanctuary is a great source of attraction for pilgrims from all over the world, as well as non-religious tourists who are interested to its historical, cultural and natural value or simply to the typical delicious cuisine.
Besides the impressive staircase that opens from the top of the Sacred Square, the gaze plunges into the Upper Basilica, a construction of monumental proportions that finds itself in an harmonious relationship with the neighbouring high mountains and in slight contrast with the spiritual and collective dimension of the Old Cathedral.
Considering the great number of pilgrims that would once head in procession to the Sanctuary, the need to build a New Church was perceived since the XVII century, and coincides with the time when the discussion of the realization of the project took place. Laid the first stone in 1885, the works proceeded with much difficulty through two world wars until 1960.
Visit our Santuary of Oropa and discover all the activities!